Contact Us
If you need immediate help with questions or an informational visit, please call us directly at 503-668-5545. After normal office hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm) you will reach our answering service by calling the main number. A nurse is on-call and available 24/7. If we are experiencing unexpected phone problems, call our answering service directly at 541-265-1967.

We are available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, to answer any questions you may have about the services we provide.
Request for Care
If you are interested in speaking with someone about care for a loved one or for yourself call our main number 503-668-5545. When calling after office hours, (Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm) the answering service will connect you with a nurse. If we are having unexpected phone issues, call the answering service at 541-265-1967.
Mailing Address
Mt. Hood Hospice
PO Box 1269
Sandy, Oregon 97055
Physical Address
Mt. Hood Hospice
39085 Pioneer Blvd. Suite 1018
Sandy, Oregon 97055

Rhonda Franke
Executive Director
Kelly Rundell
Director of Clinical Services
Laura Lirette
Bereavement Coordinator
Jolie Phanton
Volunteer Coordinator
Community Outreach

About Mt. Hood Hospice
Mt. Hood Hospice has been providing care and bereavement support to families in Multnomah and Clackamas Counties for 43 years. We are a not-for-profit, free standing, independent, community-based hospice.
Mt. Hood Hospice was the first free-standing hospice in Oregon to be granted Medicare certification in 1987. Since that time we have stayed current in compliance with changing CMS regulations while remaining true to our original ideal: to provide the highest quality care to families coping with life-limiting illness, emphasizing comfort, dignity and choice.
We are a not-for-profit Hospice that provides quality care for terminally ill patients and their loved ones,
regardless of their ability to pay.

Living with a Terminal Illness
When a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness, the lives of those close to them are impacted as well. It's important to learn as much as you can about the illness. The more information you have, the more in control you will feel. Learn more.
What You Need to Know
Hospice care is covered 100% by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance. You can choose your hospice! Every Medicare beneficiary with Part A entitlement has a Medicare Hospice Benefit allowing them services from ANY Medicare certified hospice. This is regardless of their enrollment in any HMO. We care for people in residential facilities as well as at home. Learn more.
Kind Words From Our Families
Watch this one-minute video testimonial and hear why families choose Mt. Hood Hospice.
We are certified by Medicare, which means we get surveyed every 3 to make sure we are following all state and federal hospice regulations.
Support Groups
Grief Support Contact
Registration is required prior to meetings. Contact Laura Lirette to register,